Wedding Tariff

What's included?

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Exclusive use of The Corn Barn from lunchtime the day before your wedding until midnight on your wedding day

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Full support and communication with us throughout the planning stages of your wedding

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The ceremony (not including registrar costs) if required

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All chairs, tables, crockery, cutlery and glasses

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A member of staff on the day to oversee proceedings and ensure smooth running. 

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Behind the scenes assistance and discrete management throughout the day

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Fully licensed cash bar

home theater

Use of PA system for background music (compatible with MP3, iPod, laptop)

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Use of the Annexe as a preparation or quiet room

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All power, electric and heating (including lighting and fuel for wood-burning stoves if required)

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Full use of the kitchen by yourself or your appointed caterer (all dishwashing to be completed)

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Clearing and packing of your possessions and decorations, ready to be collected on a pre-arranged date


Use of projector and screen if required

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Use of fields around the farm for photography


Viewings by appointment as required

Photography by Helen Lisk Photography

Photography by Helen Lisk Photography

Photography by Farwood Photography

Wedding Tariff

Generally for weddings, our tariff includes two days, the day to make it home and the day of the wedding.

When having a celebration, this may or may not be something you want, you may want it just for the day or evening, or a lunch – you may want to set it up, you may not, whatever your wishes we can help.


Many of our couples like the idea of making their day, truly theirs, by decorating and preparing it the day before along with family and friends. Couples will be responsible for their own decoration and preparation of the venue and ceremony area (if required), including placement, dressing and setting of tables (including glasses and crockery if required)

We can also take the stress out if it for you by putting up your decorations, so that when you come, you can enjoy the rest of the preparations

We can also prepare your wedding fully. Tell us what you’d like – and what you’d like us to do – and we’ll arrange it for you. From the decoration, to the food and drink and all those important details – we can even arrange for a buffet lunch on the set-up day!

Our Corkage

If you would like to provide your own drinks, there is a small charge for corkage: 

£1 per drink per person up to 5 drinks per person applies  
(£5 per person for up to 5 drinks per person) 

Alternatively, you have full use of our fully stocked and licensed cash bar. We do not charge any extra to open or staff our bar. 

This corkage includes the management of all your drinks including the chilling of those drinks that require chilling, serving, tidying, topping up where required, cleaning the glasses. Water will always be available and bottles of fresh water on your tables.